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简介1.2011年高考英语天津卷 - 阅读理解D2.天津市高考英语考哪几本书?3.英语高考大纲词汇,全国卷和天津卷有区别吗?都是3500词吗?背单词买哪本书好?4.天津英语高考考几次5.如何写好2021年天津成人高考英语作文?6.我是天津的高中生,请问各位学长高考时英语试卷中只有范围内的3500词吗?还是有生词?7.天津高考中常考的英语词组2024年天津市高考英语笔试3月15日,听力考试3月23日。2

1.2011年高考英语天津卷 - 阅读理解D











2011年高考英语天津卷 - 阅读理解D



 一、 教学目标


 2、学会内容表达的完整性、行文的连贯性、遣词造句的准确性。 能力目标:提高学生写作水平和综合运用英语的能力。


 三、 教学过程:



 1、 要求学生回答下列问题:

 What is pocket money?

 Do you have pocket money?

 2、 四人小组讨论下列题目:

 How do we deal with our pocket money?


 3、将 ?How to use our pocket money? 写在黑板中的上方。向学生布置接下来的任务:Today we are going to discuss how to write a report on ?How to use pocket money for high school student?



 书面表达(满分25分) (NMET2004天津卷)


 使用方式 好处

 存入银行 养成节约的习惯

 购买书籍 获取知识

 其他 培养兴趣(音乐、体育、集邮等)


 2、考词汇:零用钱?pocket money

 Dear friends,_______________________________________________________________

 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 要求学生认真阅读材料,读完材料后,问学生有关问题:

 1) What should we write?

 2) What expressions and sentence can we use?

 3) How can we organize the necessary information and the related ideas we want to write?












 1、Checking in pairs


 2、Class correction


 3、Teacher feedback


 4、Hand in










 3、教具准备: 多媒体课件、资料、练习册。




 英语作文: 1.记叙文 2.说明文 3.议论文


 方法:组写、缩写、扩写、改写、 或看图作文等。


 一、写好句子 。


 要注意: 2、句子要平行。 3、句子要连贯。4、句子要有逻辑性。

 5、句子要避免过多重复。 6、句子要避免头重脚轻。






 5.Consolidation and Practice(巩固和练习)

 某英语杂志社 ?家长之友?栏目要举办一次征文比赛,要求围绕 ?You can lead a horse to water, but you can?t make it drink.?这一主题发表意见. 请根据下列提示写一篇文章.



 6.Conclusion (总结)


 7. Homework : (家庭作业)







 8.Black design ( 板书设计)










 高三的学生经过高一高二两年的熏陶与训练,在文章体裁、写作方法及表达方面,已经有了长足的进步,已经具备基本的表达能力。对于即将来领的高考,他们必须经过系统的字词句 段篇章的以及针对各种体裁的训练。研究湖北近三年的高考作文而言,作文的开放性越来越 明显,通过背诵名句名篇得高分的几率很渺茫。所以,必须教会学生如何审题,如何组织文 章的结构,在有限的120字内把自己的观点表达清楚而且做到结构清晰,逻辑严谨。这节课, 我们就2012






 You cannot choose what you arc given, but you can choose how you make use of it.







 再举学习中的例子,某同学特别喜欢自己写作,但是学校功课又很多,各科作业的完成也占用大量的时间,那么自己能用来自由写作的时间就是有限的?怎么办?是不是为了写作就放弃其他功课呢?可以提高其他功课的学习效率,提高写作业的速度,可以利用吃饭或者走路的时间来思考构思,时间挤一挤,总还是有的。关键是看自己是否会合理安排。再回到我们的生活中,有同学突然遭遇家庭变故,父亲或者母亲去世,或者生重病家庭需要孩子来照顾重病的父亲或母亲,他的学习一定会受到影响,那么这个孩子该怎么办?可以向老师求助,咨询老师的建议,合理的安排照顾家人和学习的时间,勇敢的承担男子汉的责任。 以上只是,为了帮助同学打开作文的思路举的几个例子,然后可以在课堂上让同学们 自己说出自己生活,学习中遇到的真实事例,这样写作的素材就很充足了。





 在进行了前面两个步骤的铺垫,学生对自己创作已经有了跃跃欲试的情绪,教师随之导入 写。给学生20分钟,当堂写。然后,马上选一个学生的作文在黑板上当堂点评。 步骤四:





Blind imitation is self-destruction. To those who do not recognize their unique worth, imitation appears attractive; to those who know their strenghth. Imitation is unacceptable.


In the early stages of skill or character development, imitation is helpful. When I first learned to cook, I used recipes and turned out some tasty dishes. But soon I grew bored. Why follow someone else's way of cooking when I could create my own? Imitating role models is like using training wheels on a child's bicycle; they help you get going, but once you find your own balance, you fly faster and farther without relying on them.


In daily life, imitation can hurt us if we subconsciously hold poor role models. If, as a child, you observed people whose lives were bad, you may have accepted their fear and pain as normal and gone on to follow what they did. If you do not make strong choices for yourself, you will get the results of the weak choices of others.


In the field of entertainment, our culture glorifies celebrities. Those stars look great on screen. But when they step off screen, their personal lives may be disastrous. If you are going to follow someone, focus on their talent, not their bad character or unacceptable behaviors.


Blessed is the person willing to act on their sundden desire to create something unique. Think of the movies, books, teachers, and friends that have affected you most deeply. They touched you because their creations were motivated by inspiration, not desperation. The world is changed not by those who do what has been done before them, but by those who do what has been done inside them. Creative people have an endless resource of ideas. The problem a creator faces is not running out of material; it is what to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.


Study your role models, accept the gifts they have given and leave behind what does not serve you.

Then you can say, "I stand on the shoulders of my ancestors' tragedies and stories, and know that they are cheering me on."













成考快速报名和免费咨询: 天津成人高考英语作文是很多考生的一大头疼之处,那么,考生怎么才能写好天津成人高考英语作文?为了让考生迅速了解相关信息,天津成考网整理出以下相关内容,仅供参考! 希望对考生有所帮助!


无论是哪个类型的天津成人高考英语作文,考生要完成的内容都是有条理的,因此,考生在完成英语作文的写作时,也要注意根据作文题目的要求,将内容分条阐述,在前后两条内容中间,可以适当使用连接词汇,如first, second, third, last等。这样,使得文章层次分明,结构完整,而且也能适当弥补作文字数,是一个给作文提分的重要方法。





成考有疑问、不知道如何总结成考考点内容、不清楚成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料: style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;border-left: 4px solid #a10d00;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;background: #f1dada;">天津高考中常考的英语词组




E-I-A Phrase Translation Sample Sentence or Explanation

E be about to 即将 I am about to learn Japanese. 不能加表示时间的词或短语.但be going to 后可加I according to 按照,根据 According to the radio, it will rain tomorrow.He came according to his promise.

E by accident 偶然 by chance : I made a grammer mistake by accident.

A in accordance with 一致;按照;根据 I sold the house in accordance with your orders.

E account for 解释,说明 How do you account for all these mistakes ?

I on account of 因为,由于 because of : Li Ping was late for class this morning on account of the traffic.

I accustomed to 习惯于 1.The boy soon became accustomed to hard work and poor food. 2.I am accustomed to this sort of work

I take ... into account 考虑 You must take into account the boy's long illness.

I in addition to 除...之外 A new baby is an addition to the family. in addition=另外

I add up to 合计达 All this adds up to a new concept (概念)of the universe.

I in advance 事先,在前,预先 We always pay the rent in advance.

A gain/have an advantage 胜过,优于 This system will have an advantage over that one.

I take advantage of 乘...之机,利用 to make use of, e.g. by deceiving someone. advantage over : 优于

I ahead of 在...前面,先于 Our company is ahead of other makers of soap.

A in the air 在流行中,在传播中

E above all 首先,尤其

E after all 毕竟,虽然这样

E at all 完全 I do not agree with you at all.

A all but 决不 It's all but impossible.

A all out 全力以赴,竭尽全力 We went all out to climb the mountain.

I in all 总共,合计

I allow for 考虑到 You'll have to allow three days for thatjob.to provide (esp. money or time)

I leave alone 听其自然,不要去管 Leave that alone: it's mine.

I let alone 听其自然,不要去管 更不用说 1.Let him alone: he is doing no harm. 2. The baby cannot even walk, let alone run.

E one after another 一个接一个

E one another 互相 We made comments on one another's work.

I approve of 赞成,同意 I can hardly approve of it.

I anything but 根本不 The little bridge is anything but safe. I will do anything but that .

E arrive at 到达 After many hours' talk, the committee arrived at a decision.

I as for 至于 You can have a bed, but as for the children, they'll have to sleep on the floor.

E as if / as though 好像,仿佛

I as to 至于 1.He's very concerned as to whether it's the right job for him. 2. correctly placed as to size and color

I aside from 除...之外(尚有) =apart from Good work, apart from a few slight faults.

I ask after 询问,问候 He ask after you / your health.

E ask for 请求,要求

I attached to 系,贴,连接;附属;依恋 1.I was attached to the naval college as a special instructor for six months. 2. I am very attached to that car.

E pay attention to 注意 You must pay attention to the teacher.

A on (the/an) average 平均,一般说来 On average we receive five letters each day.

E right away 立刻,马上 Do it right away!

I back and forth 来回地,反复地 The chair rocked back and forth.

A back down/off 放弃,让步,退却 I saw that she was right, so I had to back down.

A back of 在...后部,在...背后

I.A back up 支持,援助; A.倒退,后退 The policeman wouldn't have believed me if you hadn't backed me up.

I based on 以...为基础 His argument is based on facts.

I on the basis of 以...为基础 Society rested on the basis of the family.

E to begin with 首先,第一点 =in the first place:We can't go.To begin with, it's too cold.Besides, we've no money

I on behalf of 代表,为了 The president is ill, so I'm speaking on his behalf.

I make believe 假装 The children are making believe that they're princes and princesses.

I at best / at the best 最好,充其量 At best the company will lose money this year-at worst it may have to close down.

I get the best of 战胜;从中得到最大益处 They got the best of the other team at last.

E make the best of 充分利用,妥善处理 to make the best of a bad job; He will make the best of the situation.

E do/ try one's best 尽力,努力 We must try our best to overcome the difficulty.

A for the better 好转,向好的方向发展 a change for the better= a change with good results

I get the better of 胜过,战胜,在..中占上风 to get the better of one's opponents

E had better 最好还是,应该 ought to, should

I on board 在船(飞机)上 They got on board the train.

I be bound to 必定,一定 It's bound to rain soon.

E break away (from) 脱离,逃跑 The criminal broke away from the policemen who were holding him.

I break down 损坏;分解,瓦解 1.They break the door down. 2. His opposition broke down. 3. The car broke down. 4. Peter broke down and wept when his mother died. 5. Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.

E.I break in 1强行进入,闯入;

2 I .打断,插嘴 1.He broke in and stole my money. 2.She broke in with some ideas of her own. 3. to break new shoes in

I break into 1.闯入; 2.突然发生,突然开始;3突然改变步法 4侵占;5.打开并提取紧急之物 1.to break into a house 2. to break into song/ laugh/ tears 3.break into a run 4.Social

duties break into my time/leisure.5.to break into money one has saved.

I break off 中断,中止 1.Those two countries have broken off relations. 2. He broke off a branch. 3. A branch broke off (the tree).

E break out 1.2.突然发生,爆发;3.逃跑 1.War broke out. 2.She broke out in curses(大怒). 3=escape:to break out of prison

I break through 1.突破;2.克服,征服,压倒 1.The sun break through (the clouds). 2. The doctors broke through in their fight again heart disease.

I break up 1.破碎,拆散,瓦解;2.终止;3.婚姻关系结束;4身体衰弱,变弱; 1. The ice will break up when the warm weather comes. 2. The police broke up the fight. 3. Their marriage broke up. 4. He may break up under all this pressure.(他累垮了)

A catch one's breath 1. 歇口气; 2.屏息 He sat down to catch his breath.

I out of breath 喘不过气来 上气不接下气 He ran so fast that he was soon out of breath.

A in brief 简单地说,简而言之 In brief he says "No". He is brief of speech.

I bring about 导致,带来,招致 cause to happen: Science has brought about many changes in our lives.

A bring down 打倒,降低 The pilot brought the plane down gently.

A bring forth 提出 What suggestions do you expect them to bring forth?

A bring forward 提出,提议 1.The director brought forward a new plan for the company. 2. The election will be brought forward to June instead of July.

I.A bring out 1.使出现/显明;2阐释,文明; 3A公布,出版;4.帮助消除害羞心理或沉默寡言态度 1.to bring out a new kind of soap.2.break out the meaning of a poem. 3. When are the publishers bring ing out his new book? 4.=help to lose shyness or reserve: Bill is very quiet; try to bring him out

A bring to 使恢复知觉 They brought the girl to with smelling salts. They brought her to.

I bring up 抚养,培养 1.to bring up children 2. to bring up the question of your holidays

E build up 建立 to build up one's strength

A in bulk 大批,大量 to buy in bulk

I burn out 烧掉 1.The building was burnt out and only the walls remained. 2. That small fire can be left to burn (itself) out. 3. The engine has/is burnt out.

I burn up 烧尽 1.to flame more brightly or strongly 2. All the wood has been burnt up.

A on business 因公,因事 I'm here on business, not for pleasure.

A but for 除...之外, 倘没有,要不是 But for her, I would have drowned.

E by and by 不久以后,将来

E call for 邀约,要求,需要 1.to call for the waiter. 2.Your unkind remark was not called for.3. I'll call for you at nine o'clock.

call forth 1.引起,招致; 2.鼓起,振作起 1.His behaviour called forth numerous protests(抗议). 2.You will have to call forth all your energy.

I call off 取消 1.The football match was called off because of the snow.2.Call off your dog;it tried to bite me !

E.A call on/upon 1访问,拜访2A号召,呼吁 1.We can call on Mary tomorrow. 2. The Prime Minister called on everyone to work hard for national unity.

I.A call up 1A使人想起;2.I召集,动员; 3 打电话 1.=recall 2. He was called up in 1917. 3. I'll call you up this evening.

I care (nothing) about 关心/对...漠不关心

E care for 照管,关心;A.喜欢,意欲 1.He is very good at caring for sick animals.2. I don't really care for tea, I like coffee better.

E take care 当心,注意 =be careful Take care (that) you don't get drowned when you have a swim.

E take care of 照顾,照料; Take care of the baby when I'm out.

I carry off 拿走,夺走 1.She carried off her part in the plan with no difficulty. 2. Jean carried off all the prizes.

E.I carry on 继续,坚持下去;I从事,经营 We'll carry on (with) our discussion tomorrow.

E carry out 执行,贯彻 to carry out a plan

I in any case 无论如何,总之 In any case, you'll need to be at station by nine.

I in case 假如,以防万一 She took a spoonful and tasted it carefully in case it was hot.

I in case of 假如,如果发生;防备 In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.

I in no case 无论如何不,决不 In no case shall we surrender(投降).

I catch on 1.受欢迎,流行起来; 2理解,明白 1.The new song caught on really quickly. 2. He's always the last to catch on.

E catch up with 追上,赶上 Will we catch up with Japan in industrial production?

A catch at 设法抓住

I cave in 下陷,坍陷

I per cent 百分之... Five per cent got full marks.

I by chance 偶然,碰巧 It happened quite by chance.

A take a chance 冒险一试 The rope might break but that's a chance I'll have to take.

I in charge (of) 负责,主管 I'm in charge of your class tomorrow so you must do as I tell you.

I take charge of 开始管理,接管 She took charge of the family business when her father died.

I in no case 无论如何不,决不 In no case shall we surrender(投降).

I catch on 1.受欢迎,流行起来; 2理解,明白 1.The new song caught on really quickly. 2. He's always the last to catch on.

E catch up with 追上,赶上 Will we catch up with Japan in industrial production?

A catch at 设法抓住

I cave in 下陷,坍陷

I per cent 百分之... Five per cent got full marks.

I by chance 偶然,碰巧 It happened quite by chance.

A take a chance 冒险一试 The rope might break but that's a chance I'll have to take.

I in charge (of) 负责,主管 I'm in charge of your class tomorrow so you must do as I tell you.

I take charge of 开始管理,接管 She took charge of the family business when her father died.

I check in 办理登记手续 You must check in at the airport an hour before your plane leaves.

I.A check out 1.结帐后离开; 2.3A检验,核查 1.The last guests checked out of their rooms in the afternoon; 2 to check out his theory;3. How does his story check out with the facts?

A check up/(up)on 校对,检验,检查 The police were checking up on what the man had told them.

I cheer up 高兴起来,振作起来 Cheer up! The news isn't too bad.

I clear away 把...清除掉,收拾 The rubbish must be cleared away.

I.A clear up 1.I.解释,澄清 2A.整理,收拾;3天气变晴 1.to clear up the mystery 2. Would you clear up (this room) before our visitors arrive? 3. I hope the weather clears up before Sunday.

A around/round the clock 昼夜不断地,连续24小时地 We worked around the clock to finish the job.

I come off 1.落,分开 ; 2.成功;发生,举行 1.A button came off my coat. 2. The wedding came off as planned.

E.A come on 1A.开始,来临; 2.进步,进展;3.快,来吧 1.I can feel a cold coming on. 2. How is your work coming on/along?

I come out 1.3出现,显露;2出版,发表; 4.结果是 The stars came out as soon as it was dark.2.The news came out that king was very ill. 3. Mary always came out very well in pictures.

I come round / around 1.苏醒,复原; 2.顺便来访; 3.再现,再来,再临; 4.走弯路,绕道而行 1.=to regain consciousness:Pour a jug of water on his face-je'll soon come round. 2.He'll come round to our way of thinking sooner or later. 3.It's coming round to Christmas again. 4.We came round by the fields as we didn't want to go through the woods.

A come through 经历, 经历..仍活着, 脱险 1. Have your examination results come through yet? 2. John was so ill he was lucky to come through (his operation).

A come to 苏醒,复苏; 共计,达到,等于 1. It has come to my notice that some money is missing. 2. When it comes to politics I know nothing. 3. Suddenly the words of the song came to me.

E come true 实现,达到

I come up 1.2出现; 3走上前来 Your question come up at the meeting. 2. I'll let you know if anything comes up. 3. He came up and said, "pleased to see you."

I come up to 等于,比得上,达到,及于 Your recent work hasn't come up to your usual high standards.

I come up with 提出,提供 He couldn't come up with the answer.

A come up again 遇到,遭到

E in common 共用,共有 John and I have nothing in common.

I keep company with 与,,,交往,与,,,结伴 Don't keep company with dishonest persons.

I compare...to .. 把...比作 Poets have compared sleep to death. Man's life is often compared to a candle.

I by comparison in comparison with 比较起来,相形之下 和...比起来 By/in comparison with London, Paris is small.

I so far as ... be concerned 就...而言 As far as I'm concerned, the whole idea is crazy(荒唐的).

E be concerned in/ with 与...有关 He was concerned in the crime.

I in conclusion 最后,总之 In conclusion, I've enjoyed staying here.

I on condition that 在...条件下 I'll come on condition that John is invited too.

I in connection with / to 与...有联系 In connection with your request of March 18th we are sorry to tell you...

A in consequence 因此,结果 We hadn't enough money to pay our bus fare, and in consequence we had to walk.

A in consequence of 由于,因为...缘故 In consequence of your laziness and rudeness,I had to dissmiss you.

I in contrast with / to 和...形成对比/对照 In contrast with/to your belief that we shall fail, I know we shall succeed.

E on the contrary 相反,反之 He is not stupid, on the contrary , he is very intelligent.

A out of control 失去控制 The car went out of control and crashed.

A under control 被控制住 It took the teacher months to bring his class under control.

I al all costs 不惜任何代价,无论如何 We must avoid war, at all costs.

I at the cost of 以...为代价 She saved him from the fire, but at the cost of her own life.

I count on 依靠,指望 1. You can't count on the weather being fine. 2. I didn't count on John arriving so early.

I count up 算出...的总数,共计 Count these figures up once more.

E of course 自然,当然,无疑

A in the course of 在...过程中 The enemy should be defeated in the course of the year.

A cover up 掩饰,掩盖 She tried to cover up her nervousness / her guilt by lying.

A cross out 删去,取消 I crossed out the mistakes in my sentence.

A cut across 走捷径,抄近路,对直通过 1.=to take a shorter way across 2. a new group of MP that cuts across party lines.

I cut back 消减,减少,降低 1=prune 2. We oppose any plans to cut back (on) production.

I cut down 消减,减少 1. to cut down a tree 2. I have to cut down (on)smoking.

I.A cut in 1A插嘴,打断;2I超车抢挡 1=to interrupt 2. You nearly caused a crash by cutting in (on me) like that !

I.A cut off 1I.切掉,剪去,删去; 2打断,停止 3.4.A. 阴隔,隔绝 1. Cut off a piece of cheese, will you? 2. We were cut off in the middle of our telephone conversation. 3. If you marry that girl I'll cut you off without a penny. 4. Mary felt cut off from her friends when we moved.

A cut out 割去,删去 1.She cut the advertisement out of the newspaper. 2. The rain and wind have cut out a deep valley. 3. I must cut out smoking. 4. Every time I got my car started the engine cut out.

A cut short 打断(讲话),中断(活动)

I in danger 在危险中,垂危 He is in danger of losing job.

I out of danger 脱离危险 She had been very sick, but now she was out of danger.

I out of date 过时的,陈旧的,不用的 My passport(护照) is out of date.

A up to date 现代化的 She wears a new dress that is right up to date.

E.I a good /

reatdeal E.许多,大量 I...得多

I deal with 1.与...交易; 2处理; 3.论述,涉及 1. I've dealt with this person for 20 years.2. How do you deal with the problem? 3.This new book deals with the troubles in Ireland.

A in debt 欠债,欠情 I'm heavily in debt at the moment but hope to be out of debt when I get paid.

I take (a) delight in 以...为乐 =delight in : He takes delight in annoying me.

A derive from 从...中得到,由...而来, 源出于.. 1.He derives a lot of pleasure from meeting new people. 2.The word "deride" derives from Latin.

I in detail 详细地 We'll talk about the plan in more detail later.

A die down 渐渐消失,平息 The fire is dying down.

A die out 消失,灭绝 The practice of children working in factories has nearly died out.

A make a/the difference 有影响,很重要 Flowers make a lot of difference to a room.

I in difficulties 处境困难 He is in difficulty with his school work.

I do away with 废除,消灭,去掉 We should do away with those customs.

I do without 没有...也行, 将就 I haven't enough money to buy a car, so I just have to do without (one).

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